Monday, November 17, 2008

Itunes Reviews??

iTunes calls repeatedly to allow the computer to play songs and videos purchased through iTunes Store.


If you allow your computer to play songs and videos purchased through iTunes Store but you can not read and iTunes continues to invite you to authorize, try the following suggestions.

Products affected:

iTunes, Windows Vista, Windows XP


Allow your purchases from an account administrator:

To allow your purchases from an account administrator, perform the following steps:

1. Connect to the administrator account.

Note: If you do not have access to the administrator password, you must contact the administrator of the computer. If it is a computer professional, contact your department.

2. Make sure you have installed the latest version of iTunes. You can download the latest version for free.

3. From the Store menu, choose Authorize Computer.

4. Enter your account name and password iTunes in the dialog box that appears.

Note: If you have multiple accounts, you must connect to the iTunes Store and allow each account separately.

5. Quit iTunes.

After clearing your computer administrator account, you must disconnect and reconnect to your user account from which you want to play songs and videos purchased. Once connected to your user account, open iTunes, select a title from the iTunes Store in your library and click Play. Reading the item should start.

Allow your purchases using the account name appropriate

Items that you try to play may have been bought with a different iTunes Store. To determine which account was used to purchase an item, perform the following steps:

1. Select a purchased song in your library and choose File> Get Info.

2. Click on the Summary tab. Note the account name that appears in the list. This is the Apple ID identification to use when authorizing your computer to play this title.
# Allow your computer to play your purchases. Note: If you have multiple accounts, you must authorize your computer for each account. For more information about how to authorize your computer, see my next article or you can make up with what you can find using this detail asa guide.

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